Commonly Asked Questions About Working With a Migration Agent

A migration agent can work with you to help you obtain a visa, usually for when you're requesting an extended stay or to bring someone else to the country to stay with you. When applying for a visa, you are not required to work with a migration agent, but they can make the process much easier for you and may even increase your chances of being approved with your first application. This is because they will know all the paperwork and other information necessary for your application and can ensure everything is accurate before it is filed. Note a few commonly asked questions about working with a migration agent so you know what to expect.

1. Can a migration agent guarantee a visa?

A migration agent cannot guarantee that you will obtain a visa, as the decision is not theirs to make. They can tell you what they think is the likelihood of success based on their own experience and expertise, but if a migration agent says that you are guaranteed to get your visa, this often shows a lack of professionalism. Remember that even if you have all your paperwork in order and seem to qualify for a visa based on all available criteria, there may be factors you or the agent are overlooking, and in turn, there is always a chance you may be denied your application.

2. What if the migration agent says my chances are not good?

If a migration agent says that your chances of obtaining a visa are not good, this doesn't mean that he or she is not doing their job properly. On the contrary, they are probably just being honest with you about your situation and what the government looks for when it comes to the approval process. You would then need to make a decision about whether or not you want to go forward with the application, but don't assume that your slim chances are the fault of the agent.

3. Why pay for a migration agent?

A migration agent can make the process easier on you but can also advise you in areas you might not expect. For example, you might think that someone you live with won't qualify for a visa since you're not legally married, but a migration agent can advise on how long-term relationships may be acceptable for partner visas. They might also be able to ensure you have paperwork properly translated and know what to do in order to be eligible for a permanent residency application after your visa has expired.

For more information, contact local migration agents from a firm like Fisa Pty Ltd
