Types of Legal Cases Handled By a Personal Injury Lawyer

Although you are probably most familiar with personal injury lawyers advertising their services for car accident claims, you may not be aware that these lawyers also handle some other legal issues. So to help you understand how personal injury lawyers can be of value to you in non-car accident claims, here's a rundown of the other legal cases they can take on.


If you are involved in a dispute with your employer in which you have been injured on the the job and are being denied a worker's compensation claim to pay for your medical bills and your wages as you recover, a personal injury lawyer can help you file a lawsuit against your employer. Worker's compensation is paid out to workers who are injured on the job and are either permanently or temporarily unable to work. Disputes may sometimes arise when an employer believes that the worker's compensation claim is not legitimate, and in those cases your personal injury lawyer can present the evidence necessary to get your claim paid. In some instances, a company may dispute whether the injury occurred during the normal course of your work, and it will up to your lawyer to prove that you were doing work directly related to your job.


Personal injury lawyers also handle wrongful death claims. These are claims that you can file if you a family member was killed as the direct result of a negligence by a company or an individual. For example, if the manufacturer of a bungee cord made faulty cords that snapped at a certain tension level, a personal injury lawyer could file a claim on your behalf against the maker of that bungee cord, alleging that the death of your family member was caused by the improperly made cord. Wrongful death cases are typically filed seeking monetary damages due to pain and suffering, but it's incumbent upon your personal injury lawyer to obtain evidence that shows the direct relationship between the negligence of a company and the death that resulted due to that negligence.


Personal injury lawyers also handle situations in which you are injured in a plane accident, or a family member is killed in a plane crash. Airlines will often offer compensation to surviving families of the victims of a plane crash, but in order to receive the amount that you feel is fair, you will need a personal injury lawyer to negotiate on your behalf or to file suit if you feel the offer you've received is not sufficient to account for your loss. Some personal injury lawyers will band together on one case and file a class-action lawsuit to increase the amount of a settlement from an airline.
